Results for 'A. A. Wright'

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    Taking Stock: Hale, Heck, and Wright on Neo-Logicism and Higher-Order Logic.Crispin Wright - 2021 - Philosophia Mathematica 29 (3): 392--416.
    ABSTRACT Four philosophical concerns about higher-order logic in general and the specific demands placed on it by the neo-logicist project are distinguished. The paper critically reviews recent responses to these concerns by, respectively, the late Bob Hale, Richard Kimberly Heck, and myself. It is argued that these score some successes. The main aim of the paper, however, is to argue that the most serious objection to the applications of higher-order logic required by the neo-logicist project has not been properly understood. (...)
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    Postscript to Gastil and Wright: The Anticapitalist Argument for Sortition.Erik Olin Wright - 2018 - Politics and Society 46 (3):331-335.
    The author makes the case for sortition from a Marxist perspective, explaining how sortition could become part of an anticapitalist political strategy.
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  3. Truth and objectivity.Crispin Wright - 1992 - Cambridge: Harvard University Press.
    Recasting important questions about truth and objectivity in new and helpful terms, his book will become a focus in the contemporary debates over realism, and ...
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  4. On the harmless impredicativity of N=('Hume's Principle').Crispin Wright - 1998 - In Matthias Schirn, The Philosophy of Mathematics Today: Papers From a Conference Held in Munich From June 28 to July 4,1993. Oxford, England: Clarendon Press. pp. 339--68.
  5. Response to Michael Dummett.Crispin Wright - 1998 - In Matthias Schirn, The Philosophy of Mathematics Today: Papers From a Conference Held in Munich From June 28 to July 4,1993. Oxford, England: Clarendon Press.
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  6. (1 other version)Rule-following, objectivity and the theory of meaning.Crispin Wright - 1981 - In Steven H. Holtzman & Christopher M. Leich, Wittgenstein: To Follow a Rule. Boston: Routledge.
  7. Response to Dummett.Crispin Wright - 1998 - In Matthias Schirn, The Philosophy of Mathematics Today: Papers From a Conference Held in Munich From June 28 to July 4,1993. Oxford, England: Clarendon Press. pp. 389--405.
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  8. Alethic Pluralism, Deflationism, and Faultless Disagreement.Crispin Wright - 2021 - Metaphilosophy 52 (3-4):432-448.
    One of the most important “folk” anti-realist thoughts about certain areas of our thought and discourse—basic taste, for instance, or comedy—is that their lack of objectivity crystallises in the possibility of “faultless disagreements”: situations where one party accepts P, another rejects P, and neither is guilty of any kind of mistake of substance or shortcoming of cognitive process. On close inspection, however, it proves challenging to make coherent sense of this idea, and a majority of theorists have come to reject (...)
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    The Astronomy of Eudoxus: Geometry or Physics?Larry Wright - 1973 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 4 (2):165.
  10. (2 other versions)The perils of dogmatism.Crispin Wright - 2007 - In Susana Nuccetelli & Gary Seay, Themes from G. E. Moore: New Essays in Epistemology. New York: Oxford University Press.
    "Dogmatism" is a term renovated by James Pryor [2000] to stand for a certain kind of neo-Moorean response to Scepticism and an associated conception of the architecture of basic perceptual warrant. Pryor runs the response only for (some kinds of) perceptual knowledge but here I will be concerned with its general structure and potential as a possible global anti-sceptical strategy. Something like it is arguably also present in recent writings of Burge 1 and Peacocke.2 If the global strategy could succeed, (...)
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    Understanding Virtue: Theory and Measurement.Jennifer Cole Wright, Michael T. Warren & Nancy E. Snow - 2020 - Oxford University Press.
    The last thirty years have seen a resurgence of interest in virtue among philosophers, psychologists, and educators. This co-authored book brings an interdisciplinary response to the study of virtue: it not only provides a framework for quantifying virtues, but also explores how we can understand virtue in a philosophically-informed way that is compatible with the best current thinking in personality psychology. The volume presents a major contribution to theemerging science of virtue and character measurement.
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    Are economists' self-perceptions as epistemically superior self-defeating?Jack Wright - 2021 - In Harold Kincaid & Don Ross, A modern guide to philosophy of economics. Northampton, MA: Edward Elgar Publishing. pp. 127-145.
  13.  69
    The Varieties of Goodness.Georg Henrik von Wright - 1963 - London: Routledge & Kegan Paul Ltd.
    IN 1959 and 1960 I gave the Gifford Lectures in the University of St. Andrews. The lectures were called 'Norms and Values, an Inquiry into the Conceptual Foundations of Morals and Legislation'. The present work is substantially the same as the content of the second series of lectures, then advertised under the not very adequate title 'Values'. It is my plan to publish a revised version of the content of the first series of lectures, called 'Norms', as a separate book. (...)
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  14. Mechanistic explanation without the ontic conception.Cory Wright - 2012 - European Journal of Philosophy of Science 2 (3):375-394.
    The ontic conception of scientific explanation has been constructed and motivated on the basis of a putative lexical ambiguity in the term explanation. I raise a puzzle for this ambiguity claim, and then give a deflationary solution under which all ontically-rendered talk of explanation is merely elliptical; what it is elliptical for is a view of scientific explanation that altogether avoids the ontic conception. This result has revisionary consequences for New Mechanists and other philosophers of science, many of whom have (...)
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  15. On intuitional stability: The clear, the strong, and the paradigmatic.Jennifer Cole Wright - 2010 - Cognition 115 (3):491-503.
    Skepticism about the epistemic value of intuition in theoretical and philosophical inquiry has recently been bolstered by empirical research suggesting that people’s concrete-case intuitions are vulnerable to irrational biases (e.g., the order effect). What is more, skeptics argue that we have no way to ‘‘calibrate” our intuitions against these biases and no way of anticipating intuitional instability. This paper challenges the skeptical position, introducing data from two studies that suggest not only that people’s concrete-case intuitions are often stable, but also (...)
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  16. The meta-ethical grounding of our moral beliefs: Evidence for meta-ethical pluralism.Jennifer C. Wright, Piper T. Grandjean & Cullen B. McWhite - 2013 - Philosophical Psychology 26 (3):336-361.
    Recent scholarship (Goodwin & Darley, 2008) on the meta-ethical debate between objectivism and relativism has found people to be mixed: they are objectivists about some issues, but relativists about others. The studies discussed here sought to explore this further. Study 1 explored whether giving people the ability to identify moral issues for themselves would reveal them to be more globally objectivist. Study 2 explored people's meta-ethical commitments more deeply, asking them to provide verbal explanations for their judgments. This revealed that (...)
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  17. Mechanisms and psychological explanation.Cory Wright & William Bechtel - 2006 - In Paul Thagard, Handbook of the Philosophy of Psychology and Cognitive Science. Elsevier.
    As much as assumptions about mechanisms and mechanistic explanation have deeply affected psychology, they have received disproportionately little analysis in philosophy. After a historical survey of the influences of mechanistic approaches to explanation of psychological phenomena, we specify the nature of mechanisms and mechanistic explanation. Contrary to some treatments of mechanistic explanation, we maintain that explanation is an epistemic activity that involves representing and reasoning about mechanisms. We discuss the manner in which mechanistic approaches serve to bridge levels rather than (...)
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  18. (2 other versions)Self-knowledge: the Wittgensteinian Legacy.Crispin Wright - 1998 - Royal Institute of Philosophy Supplement 43:101-122.
    It is only in fairly recent philosophy that psychological self-knowledge has come to be seen as problematical; once upon a time the hardest philosophical difficulties all seemed to attend our knowledge of others. But as philosophers have canvassed various models of the mental that would make knowledge of other minds less intractable, so it has become unobvious how to accommodate what once seemed evident and straightforward–the wide and seemingly immediate cognitive dominion of minds over themselves.
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  19. Critical Thinking: An Introduction to Analytical Reading and Reasoning.Larry Wright - 2001 - Oxford, England and New York, NY, USA: Oup Usa.
    Critical Thinking: An Introduction to Analytical Reading and Reasoning, Second Edition, provides a nontechnical vocabulary and analytic apparatus that guide students in identifying and articulating the central patterns found in reasoning and in expository writing more generally. Understanding these patterns of reasoning helps students to better analyze, evaluate, and construct arguments and to more easily comprehend the full range of everyday arguments found in ordinary journalism. Critical Thinking, Second Edition, distinguishes itself from other texts in the field by emphasizing analytical (...)
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  20. Comment on Paul Boghossian, "What is inference".Crispin Wright - 2014 - Philosophical Studies 169 (1):27-37.
    This is a response to Paul Boghossian’s paper: What is inference?. The paper and the abstract originate from a symposium at the Pacific Division Meeting of the APA in San Diego in April 2011. John Broome was a co-commentator.
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  21. Intuition, entitlement and the epistemology of logical laws.Crispin Wright - 2004 - Dialectica 58 (1):155–175.
    The essay addresses the well‐known idea that there has to be a place for intuition, thought of as a kind of non‐inferential rational insight, in the epistemology of basic logic if our knowledge of its principles is non‐empirical and is to allow of any finite, non‐circular reconstruction. It is argued that the error in this idea consists in its overlooking the possibility that there is, properly speaking, no knowledge of the validity of principles of basic logic. When certain important distinctions (...)
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    Knowledge Transmission.Stephen Wright - 2018 - London: Routledge.
    Our knowledge of the world comes from various sources. But it is sometimes said that testimony, unlike other sources, transmits knowledge from one person to another. In this book, Stephen Wright investigates what the transmission of knowledge involves and the role that it should play in our theorising about testimony as a source of knowledge. He argues that the transmission of knowledge should be understood in terms of the more fundamental concept of the transmission of epistemic grounds, and that (...)
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  23. Differences that matter.Melissa Wright - 2006 - In Noel Castree & Derek Gregory, David Harvey: a critical reader. Oxford: Blackwell. pp. 80--101.
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  24. On Epistemic Entitlement.Crispin Wright & Martin Davies - 2004 - Aristotelian Society Supplementary Volume 78:167-245.
    [Crispin Wright] Two kinds of epistemological sceptical paradox are reviewed and a shared assumption, that warrant to accept a proposition has to be the same thing as having evidence for its truth, is noted. 'Entitlement', as used here, denotes a kind of rational warrant that counter-exemplifies that identification. The paper pursues the thought that there are various kinds of entitlement and explores the possibility that the sceptical paradoxes might receive a uniform solution if entitlement can be made to reach (...)
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    Christianity and critical realism: ambiguity, truth, and theological literacy.Andrew Wright - 2013 - New York: Routledge.
    One of the key achievements of critical realism has been to expose the modernist myth of universal reason, which holds that authentic knowledge claims must be objectively ‘pure’, uncontaminated by the subjectivity of local place, specific time and particular culture. Wright aims to address the lack of any substantial and sustained engagement between critical realism and theological critical realism with particular regard to: (a) the distinctive ontological claims of Christianity; (b) their epistemic warrant and intellectual legitimacy; and (c) scrutiny (...)
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    The Riddle of Vagueness: Selected Essays 1975-2020.Crispin Wright - 2021 - Oxford: Oxford University Press. Edited by Richard Kimberly Heck.
    What should we make of the vagueness we find in our language and thought? This has been one of the most debated questions in philosophy in recent decades. Crispin Wright has been a key figure in this area since the 1970s, and now at last his highly influential work on the topic is drawn together in a book.
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  27. Asymmetries in judgments of responsibility and intentional action.Jennifer Cole Wright & John Bengson - 2009 - Mind and Language 24 (1):24-50.
    Abstract: Recent experimental research on the 'Knobe effect' suggests, somewhat surprisingly, that there is a bi-directional relation between attributions of intentional action and evaluative considerations. We defend a novel account of this phenomenon that exploits two factors: (i) an intuitive asymmetry in judgments of responsibility (e.g. praise/blame) and (ii) the fact that intentionality commonly connects the evaluative status of actions to the responsibility of actors. We present the results of several new studies that provide empirical evidence in support of this (...)
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  28. What is natural about foot's ethical naturalism?John Hacker-Wright - 2009 - Ratio 22 (3):308-321.
    Philippa Foot's Natural Goodness is in the midst of a cool reception. It appears that this is due to the fact that Foot's naturalism draws on a picture of the biological world at odds with the view embraced by most scientists and philosophers. Foot's readers commonly assume that the account of the biological world that she must want to adhere to, and that she nevertheless mistakenly departs from, is the account offered by contemporary neo-Darwinian biological sciences. But as is evident (...)
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    Editorial Note.Crispin Wright - 2022 - Thought: A Journal of Philosophy 11 (1):4-4.
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    Encounter dialogue: Responses to six critical readings ofPhilosophical Meditations on Zen Buddhism.Dale S. Wright - 2004 - Dao: A Journal of Comparative Philosophy 4 (1):87-96.
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    Empty texts/Sacred meaning: Reading as spiritual practice in Chinese Buddhism.Dale S. Wright - 2003 - Dao: A Journal of Comparative Philosophy 2 (2):261-272.
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    Bruya, Brian, ed., The Philosophical Challenge from China: Cambridge, MA and London: MIT Press, 2015, xxxi + 393 pages.Kathleen Wright - 2020 - Dao: A Journal of Comparative Philosophy 19 (4):657-661.
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  33. Force and the mind.Darryl Wright - 2019 - In Gregory Salmieri & Robert Mayhew, Foundations of a Free Society: Reflections on Ayn Rand's Political Philosophy. Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh Press.
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    Making sense of trust across cultural contexts.Alex Wright & Ina Ehnert - 2010 - In Mark Saunders, Organizational trust: a cultural perspective. New York: Cambridge University Press.
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  35. The nightmare and the noble dream : Hart and Honore on causation and responsibility.Richard W. Wright - 2008 - In Matthew H. Kramer, The legacy of H.L.A. Hart: legal, political, and moral philosophy. New York: Oxford University Press.
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  36. The Nightmare and the Noble Dream: Causation and Responsibility.Richard Wright - 2008 - In Matthew H. Kramer, The legacy of H.L.A. Hart: legal, political, and moral philosophy. New York: Oxford University Press.
  37. The place of the non-initiation of force principle in Ayn Rand's philosophy.Darryl Wright - 2019 - In Gregory Salmieri & Robert Mayhew, Foundations of a Free Society: Reflections on Ayn Rand's Political Philosophy. Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh Press.
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  38. The scope and justification of Rand's non-initiation of force principle.Darryl Wright - 2019 - In Gregory Salmieri & Robert Mayhew, Foundations of a Free Society: Reflections on Ayn Rand's Political Philosophy. Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh Press.
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  39. An Essay in Modal Logic.Georg Henrik von Wright - 1951 - Amsterdam, Netherlands: North-Holland.
    The Unprovability of Consistency is concerned with connections between two branches of logic: proof theory and modal logic. Modal logic is the study of the principles that govern the concepts of necessity and possibility; proof theory is, in part, the study of those that govern provability and consistency. In this book, George Boolos looks at the principles of provability from the standpoint of modal logic. In doing so, he provides two perspectives on a debate in modal logic that has persisted (...)
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    Another nursing is possible: Ethics, political economies, and possibility in an uncertain world.Jess Dillard-Wright - 2024 - Nursing Philosophy 25 (3):e12484.
    Overtaxed by the realities laid bare in the pandemic, nursing has imminent decisions to make. The exigencies of pandemic times overextend a health care infrastructure already groaning under the weight of inequitable distribution of resources and care commodified for profit. We can choose to prioritise different values. Invoking philosopher of science Isbelle Stengers's manifesto for slow science, this is not the only nursing that is possible. With this paper, I pick up threads of nursing's historical ontology, drawing previous scholarship on (...)
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  41. Should morality be abolished? An empirical challenge to the argument from intolerance.Jennifer Cole Wright & Thomas Pölzler - 2022 - Philosophical Psychology 35 (3):350-385.
    Moral abolitionists claim that morality ought to be abolished. According to one of their most prominent arguments, this is because making moral judgments renders people significantly less tolerant toward anyone who holds divergent views. In this paper we investigate the hypothesis that morality’s tolerance-decreasing effect only occurs if people are realists about moral issues, i.e., they interpret these issues as objectively grounded. We found support for this hypothesis (Studies 1 and 2). Yet, it also turned out that the intolerance associated (...)
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  42. Skill, Practical Wisdom, and Ethical Naturalism.John Hacker-Wright - 2015 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 18 (5):983-993.
    IntroductionRecent work in virtue theory has breathed new life into the analogy between virtue and skill.See, for example, Annas ; Bloomfield ; Stichter ; Swartwood . There is good reason to think that this analogy is worth pursuing since it may help us understand the distinctive nexus of reasoning, knowledge, and practical ability that is found in virtue by pointing to a similar nexus found outside moral contexts in skill. In some ways, there is more than an analogy between skill (...)
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  43. The Illusion of Higher-Order Vagueness.Crispin Wright - 2010 - In Richard Dietz & Sebastiano Moruzzi, Cuts and clouds: vagueness, its nature, and its logic. New York: Oxford University Press.
    It is common among philosophers who take an interest in the phenomenon of vagueness in natural language not merely to acknowledge higher-order vagueness but to take its existence as a basic datum— so that views that lack the resources to account for it, or that put obstacles in the way, are regarded as deficient just on that score. My main purpose in what follows is to loosen the hold of this deeply misconceived idea. Higher-order vagueness is no basic datum but (...)
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  44. The truth, but not yet: Avoiding naïve skepticism via explicit communication of metadisciplinary aims.Jake Wright - 2019 - Teaching in Higher Education 24 (3):361-377.
    Introductory students regularly endorse naïve skepticism—unsupported or uncritical doubt about the existence and universality of truth—for a variety of reasons. Though some of the reasons for students’ skepticism can be traced back to the student—for example, a desire to avoid engaging with controversial material or a desire to avoid offense—naïve skepticism is also the result of how introductory courses are taught, deemphasizing truth to promote students’ abilities to develop basic disciplinary skills. While this strategy has a number of pedagogical benefits, (...)
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  45. The ontic conception of scientific explanation.Cory Wright - 2015 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 54:20-30.
    Wesley Salmon’s version of the ontic conception of explanation is a main historical root of contemporary work on mechanistic explanation. This paper examines and critiques the philosophical merits of Salmon’s version, and argues that his conception’s most fundamental construct is either fundamentally obscure, or else reduces to a non-ontic conception of explanation. Either way, the ontic conception is a misconception.
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  46. Ontic Explanation Is either Ontic or Explanatory, but Not Both.Cory Wright & Dingmar van Eck - 2018 - Ergo: An Open Access Journal of Philosophy 5:997–1029.
    What features will something have if it counts as an explanation? And will something count as an explanation if it has those features? In the second half of the 20th century, philosophers of science set for themselves the task of answering such questions, just as a priori conceptual analysis was generally falling out of favor. And as it did, most philosophers of science just moved on to more manageable questions about the varieties of explanation and discipline-specific scientific explanation. Often, such (...)
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  47. On the functionalization of pluralist approaches to truth.Cory Wright - 2005 - Synthese 145 (1):1–28.
    Traditional inflationary approaches that specify the nature of truth are attractive in certain ways; yet, while many of these theories successfully explain why propositions in certain domains of discourse are true, they fail to adequately specify the nature of truth because they run up against counterexamples when attempting to generalize across all domains. One popular consequence is skepticism about the efficaciousness of inflationary approaches altogether. Yet, by recognizing that the failure to explain the truth of disparate propositions often stems from (...)
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  48. Strict finitism.Crispin Wright - 1982 - Synthese 51 (2):203 - 282.
    Dummett's objections to the coherence of the strict finitist philosophy of mathematics are thus, at the present time at least, ill-taken. We have so far no definitive treatment of Sorites paradoxes; so no conclusive ground for dismissing Dummett's response — the response of simply writing off a large class of familiar, confidently handled expressions as semantically incoherent. I believe that cannot be the right response, if only because it threatens to open an unacceptable gulf between the insight into his own (...)
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  49. New Age Relativism and Epistemic Possibility: The Question of Evidence.Crispin Wright - 2007 - Philosophical Issues 17 (1):262--283.
    What I am calling New Age Relativism is usually proposed as a thesis about the truth-conditions of utterances, where an utterance is an actual historic voicing or inscription of a sentence of a certain type. Roughly, it is the view that, for certain discourses, whether an utterance is true depends not just on the context of its making—when, where, to whom, by whom, in what language, and so on—and the “circumstances of evaluation”—the state of the world in relevant respects—but also (...)
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    Philosophical meditations on Zen Buddhism.Dale Stuart Wright - 1998 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    This book is the first to engage Zen Buddhism philosophically on crucial issues from a perspective that is informed by the traditions of western philosophy and religion. It focuses on one renowned Zen master, Huang Po, whose recorded sayings exemplify the spirit of the 'golden age' of Zen in medieval China, and on the transmission of these writings to the West. The author makes a bold attempt to articulate a post-romantic understanding of Zen applicable to contemporary world culture. While deeply (...)
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